.1. Browse through our website to pick your desired item. (You may click shop all > collections).

2. Once you have decided on what to get, click on the product photo > measure your nails and pick your desired size > add to cart > view cart > checkout.
kindly leave your measurements at the "remark section" after checking out.
3. Once check out, select your desired delivery method. (shipping/self pick up)
- Make sure you fill in the correct shipping details or your pick up time and date (we will send our location through whatsapp).
- We only offer shipping via J&T Express at the moment to avoid any confusion.
4. Almost there! Make sure you check your billing, shipping address and click the preferred method.
- We currently accept payment through Bank transfer/ TNG/ Duitnow, send your details and bank receipt through our instagram (@thebasecoatshop) for double confirmation.

5. Upload your bank-in receipt screenshot to the "Tap to upload" box
6. That's it! We will send your tracking number through Instagram/whatsapp once your parcel is shipped. Thank you for purchasing from us.
Source: Google